Our Approach
The Body Works Plus team is client-focused and systems-driven.
Brian Davies’ engineering and manufacturing background, coupled with 25 years experience in the collision repair industry, helped him develop standard operating procedures, or SOPs, to optimize the collision repair process. The philosophies and teachings of Dr. W Demming, ‘The Toyota Way’, and the latest in collision industry innovations helped us create a process centered environment, or PCE, to provide factory-quality repairs and great customer service.
In the 1980s one of the ‘big three’ American auto manufacturers outsourced production of engine bearings to Toyota. When the first order was placed they asked for 1,000 bearings with 20 failures, meaning no less than 20 bearings out of tolerance in the batch of 1,000. When the bearings arrived Toyota is reported to have said, “Here’s your 1,000 bearings. And we’re not sure why you want them, but here is a bag of 20 failures.” The Toyota process control was beyond anything American auto manufacturers conceived.