Assured Performance Certified Body Shop in Charlotte
There are nearly an unlimited number of choices for auto body shops to repair your prized vehicle. When choosing a repairer, you want to ensure that you are going to one that you can trust. That’s why Body Works Plus is Assured Performance™ certified.
One of the 1 in 10 Exceeding Your Expectations
These superior standards ensure that when completed, the repair is durable, the part fits perfectly, the finish is seamless, it is competitively priced and your safety when driving the vehicle is guaranteed. To keep the certification from year to year, body shop personnel must stay up to date with vehicle design and technology as it advances. Only one in ten body shops can meet or exceed these expectations to achieve this certification.
The Highest Quality Repairs in the Industry
Assured Performance has created, in conjunction with leading auto manufacturers, a certification program that promotes the highest quality repair for your vehicle. In order to obtain Assured Performance™ certification, an auto body shop must have the required cutting-edge tools, equipment, training and facility to accurately repair your vehicle to their Best-In-Class standards.

Contact Body Works Plus
Body Works Plus is committed to ensuring you and your family is safe in any vehicle that we repair. By completing the Assured Performance program, our technicians keep up to date with the most advanced information and expertise; so that you can be assured the repairs to your vehicle are of superior quality. To contact Body Works Plus about starting the repair process, give us a call at (704) 332-4404 or use the form below and we will get back to you promptly within 24 business hours.